Monday, February 11, 2008

Frugal Grandpa's Birthday

Yesterday was Frugal Grandpa's birthday. We have a gift giving policy for ourselves that we have employed for years. If we need or want something it becomes the perfect gift. If there is nothing we need or want we don't get a gift. This eliminates buying something foolish just for the sake of having a present to open. Instead, we might (or might not) go out for a nice dinner. Or I can fix a favorite meal like I did yesterday.
Grandpa's birthday dinner consisted of Bangers and Stovies (Scottish dinner sausage and stewed potatoes). These were served with pickled beets and Walkers Oatcakes. We are fortunate to have an Irish import store a few towns over that stocks many of our favorite foods.
Grandpa doesn't care much for cake so in the past I always made birthday pie. Unfortunately a few years ago Grandpa was told by his doctor that he is border-line diabetic. He could have gone on medication but instead we are careful with his diet and keep sugar to the minimum. Goodbye cherry pie. Until last week - I just happened to stumble upon "Comstock's No Sugar Added Cherry Pie Filling". I don't know how long this product has been on the market but I was thrilled to find it in the baking aisle of our local store. Grandpa got his birthday pie topped with one lonely candle - it was all I could find in the ol' junk drawer so it had to do. Beth and Wullie didn't mind - we relit the candle several times so the kids could have the fun of helping Grandpa blow it out.
Celebrations at our house are simple and frugal. Having the grandchildren be a part of the fun made the day perfect. Happy Birthday Frugal Grandpa!

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