Monday, June 16, 2008

Garage Sale Finds: Pudd'nhead Wilson

With all the rain we are having here in the midwest, there were NO garage sales this past weekend. At least not in our town or the next town over. We hit quite a few sales the previous weekend but purchased only a few things - some really fantastic things. One wonderful vintage find I will have to save and share with you in a few weeks - it will my PhotoHunt entry - worth the wait I promise.

Two of my other finds should go on Ebay - I know I could make a good profit on them. But alas, they are keepers - for now anyway.

Beth isn't old enough for an American Doll yet. But I'm sure Santa will bring her one when she is ready. I really flipped when I found Samantha! In all the years I have been going to sales, I have never come across an Amnerican Girl Doll. She was only $12 - I would have been willing to pay more. Now, I have a model when I want to make doll clothes. I can even make matching outfits for my doll and Beth's future doll. And won't it be great fun to have tea parties & go on picnics. Golly, you'd think I never grew up. Hmmmm, guess I haven't - don't they call that the Peter Pan syndrom?

My second keeper is a vintage volume of Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson. It is copyrighted 1922. It's in excellent condition & complete with two illustrated plates. I am sure I could get a good price for it on Ebay but no - into my book collection it goes. Here is the funny thing. It was in a box with a few newer books surrounded by a sea of baby clothes and baby equipment. I learned a long time ago not to pass up kiddie garage sales. It is surprising what a little digging will uncover and the seller might not have any clue to an old item's worth. I paid $2 for the book - a real steal if you ask me. And yes, I read the book last week & really enjoyed the story. Think it's time to reread Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.

For Beth's Christmas I got this new set of flannel Disney Princess sheets - $10.00. Maybe I should have tried to get a better price. For the most part I am not good at haggling . If I find something priced much higher than I feel it's worth I usually just pass it up. About the only time I request a discount is when I am buying a bunch of items from one sale. Just me. I know a lot of people automatically ask to pay less no matter how fair the price.

And last - I plan to keep this miniature trinket box - $1.00. It's only about an inch high. I don't know why I am attracted to the weird & unusual - maybe because I am weird and unusual myself (or just daffy). I am going to keep it on my dresser with this other trinket box I received as a gift. Oh No! Here we go again - another collection - won't I ever learn!

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

1 comment:

MyMaracas said...

Hello there, nice to meet you... Great finds, indeed! I'm pretty sure that little frog is a Treasure Jest from Harmony Kingdom. If you like things like that, you should check out their website. I'm a big fan, myself.