Friday, May 2, 2008

Menard's Freebie Gladiolus Bulbs

Menard's recently offered two bags of Gladiolus bulbs free after mail-in rebate. Ah, yes, the magic word "free" - of course we got them. Planting the bulbs would be a good frugal, learning experience for the grandkids.

Now, before I go on, I must tell you that I have the brownest thumb in the Midwest and Frugal Grandpa isn't much better. The only reason we have a raised flower bed in our front yard is because Charles made it years ago when he was still living with us.

Our yearly gardening routine goes like this - if the Spring flowers come up fantastic - if not - oh well. When they are finished we might buy some petunias and plant those - they are hearty and spread. This year though, we are really watching our pennies so I doubt we'll buy any annuals. Our perennials -snow on the mountain and some ferns do well every year and they will just have to suffice. Another reason to skip buying flowers this year is that the deer are finding them too tasty. We have already lost most of our tulips to Bambie and friends.

We got a good chuckle from reading the instructions on the Gladiolus packaging. It says we need to pull the bulbs at the end of the season and store them in a dry, cool place. Yeah right, like that is going to happen - hardy har har! Once they are in the ground, that's it. If they even grow this year, that will be fantastic. If they come up again next year, it will be a miracle - a "free" miracle.

We don't even own a watering can. The kids ran around with cups of water to give the newly planted bulbs a drink.

What Frugal lessons did the kids learn - well, none. We didn't tell them the Gladiolus were free. They did learn that some plants come from bulbs rather than seed and that watering all the plants is very important. I guess, it's pretty pathetic that I can't expose them to a love of gardening myself. Di doesn't garden, besides they are renting a house. Luckily their other Grandma will teach them a lot more about flowers - her garden has quite a large variety. She also has a watering can and proper tools. Thank goodness Grandma #2 has a green thumb!

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