Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Garage Sale Finds: Route 66

We decided to take full advantage of our drive down to the White Pines Forest State Park last Saturday. We left early dressed in our garage sale uniforms (blue jeans and tees). Our plan was to hit as many sales as we could find, or have time for, between home and Rockford. When we reached our son's place we would have a nice visit. Then we would change into our fancy party duds and head on to the wedding. All went perfectly. So, what did we find to buy? - nadda, ziltch, zip! We stopped at a lot of sales too. There was nothing for Ebay, children's gifts, or something we need or collect. Oh well, it happens that way sometimes. It was still a very pleasant drive. I feel we got extra value out of the money spent on gas and as always the fun is in the hunt even if we come up empty handed.

On our way home Sunday we were surprised to find an estate sale. Finally a few fun things - I spent a whole two dollars.

For Ebay: A Mary Engelbreit figurine titled "Get Over It, Get On With It", a small Route 66 mug, and A Disney/Pixar figurine "Francis the Ladybug" from "It's a Bug's Life".

For Us: A Disney magnet - can never have too many magnets on the fridge! (Ah, yes, what can I say - yet another one of my many collections!).

Happy Dance! Happy Dance!

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