Sunday, September 14, 2008

Garage Sale Finds: (not so) Tastefully Simple

I can't remember ever having a bad garage sale experience. For the most part sales have been interesting, surprising and fun. But yesterday I had a very uncomfortable encounter. There was only one local sale. It was obviously hosted by several neighbors & there was a lot of merchandise to check out. I immediately found the cutest Hallmark ornament - it was a snowgirl wearing a pink scarf marked "granddaughter". What a darling addition that would be to Charles & Di's Christmas tree this year!

Before I could look at another thing I was approached by one of the sellers and was told she was selling Tastefully Simple products via home parties. I've never heard of them before. She showed me her display of merchandise and insisted I should buy some as the products were so delicious. Well, the packaging was very colorful and impressive. But my little frugal granny brain did a quick calculation that looked like this:

gourmet + glitz + home party = expensive!

I politely declined. She continued to praise the delicious quality of the product. And then, horror of horrors, she asked me to host a party! Was she kidding? She had no idea who she was asking - Frugal Grandma does NOT do parties! I would never ask frugal family members and my friends to such an event! If I am not willing to pay an over inflated price, why would they? Just NO WAY!

Then, I suddenly hit panic mode - it was so uncontrollable - I simply had to get out of there. I asked the price of the ornament (nothing at the sale was priced). The gal said $2. I felt that was a bit high for a garage sale but I wasn't about to negotiate - I paid and then ran for the car. I couldn't leave fast enough.

You know, it was a shame. I might have found some other nice things to buy. But, the encounter was such a turn off. I suppose I over reacted. After so many years of going to sales you would think I'd just ignore the pushy sales pitch. It shouldn't have bothered me but it did. How do you react to sales pressure? Do you simply say "no", do you cave in and purchase, or do you high tail it and run?

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